Image 16-1
Blue Orb Ball
Image 16-2
Blue Orb Ball
Image 16-3
4 or 5 Blue Balls all same night.
Image 16-4
Blue Disk different night.
Image 16-5
Blue Disk same night as previous.
Image 16-6
Moon Light with orbs.
Image 16-7
Moon with crystal portal tube and green orb ball.
Image 16-8
Mirrored above to see what was in portal.
Image 16-9
Full Moon with green orb same night later.
Image 16-10
Later that night the Green Orb Balls were multiplying and moving around fast, you can almost see them behind the clouds.
Image 16-11
This Green Orb Ball has a disk shape to it, also notice the white energy around them.
Image 16-12
This was a different night but it has the white energy anomalies.
Image 16-13
This was another night with the white energy anomalies this tinme I mirrored it.
Image 16-14
A strange full moon night, some of the clouds where really black.
Image 16-15
This is the mirrored version of the pervious picture.