Encodement Photo Gallery

Many of my pictures have strange light anomalies in them. When I mirror them they become very interesting and many create as a symbol in them that has a archetype quality to it. I feel there is a consciousness behind the light anomalies.

orb lights, celestial light beings
Image 17-1
A Tibetian Feel.

Mirror Universes, parallel dimensions, parallel universes
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This is the orginal before mirroring.

, ghosts, energy anomalies, plasma, Ectoplasm, Electro Magnetic Energy
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This the mirrored version of the previous.

Spirit world, other worldly realms, Unseen Realms
Image 17-4
I this feels like music.

ET’s, UFO’s, Star People, Star Beings
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Is this Angelic writting?

visitors from other planets, star seeds, Sirius, Pleiades, Archturus
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The moon energy mirrored.

Andromeda, Galactic space fleet, Space Visitors, Light Beings, Aliens, ET's
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A beacon of light.

Blue Ray, Merkaba, visitors from other planets, star seeds, Sirius, Pleiades, Archturus, Andromeda
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Real Photographs of Star Visitors, Alien light forms, seven sisters star, Pleiadians, Arcturians, wayshowers
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The grail of light.

surreal photos, paranormal phenomena photos, orb photos, Photos of spirit world, mirror photos, orb photography, Photographs of unseen realms
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Photographs of unseen realms, orb lights, celestial light beings, light orbs, spirit orbs, diamond orbs, Ascension, orbs, ghosts, energy anomalies, plasma,  photos of diamond orbs, window orbs
Image 17-11
Return of the bird tribes.

Andromeda, Star gates, Star Visitors, Light Beings, Galactic Space Command, Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation
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Ectoplasm, Electro Magnetic Energy, orgone energy, plasma balls, rods, serpent rods, orgone balls, blue orbs
Image 17-13

photos of ET's, UFO's, Star Visitors, paranormal phenomena photos
Image 17-14
Original photo.

Space Aliens, UFO craft, Pleiades, Orion, Lyrian’s, Antares, Seven Sisters, Space brothers, Star seeds
Image 17-15
Mirrored photo of previous.

portal to other realms and dimensions, portals and gateways
Image 17-16
Flower of light.

Shiny Ones, Mermaids, Mer People, real fairy photos, Beings from inner Earth, creek fairy
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Guardian Angels, ARCHANGEL, Lightbearers, lightworkers
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Order of the Magi.

magical realms, Tuatha De Danann, Sidhe, little people, Shiny Ones, real fairy photos
Image 17-19
Original photo.

higher vibration, light codes, DNA codes
Image 17-20
Mirrored photo of previous.

Deborah Eidson photographer and energetic healer writer author Vibrational Aromatherapy
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Light Birds.

magical realms, Tuatha De Danann, Sidhe, little people, Shiny Ones, real fairy photos
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Light Ships or planes.

higher vibration, light codes, DNA codes
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Music bars.

Deborah Eidson photographer and energetic healer writer author Vibrational Aromatherapy
Image 17-24
More music.

Austin TX vacation house rental Lightseysagehouse